I'm taking a break from the blogging world for a little bit. A week or two probably. There has been a family emergency and I'm taking time to deal with that. Hopefully things will calm down soon and that I'll be able to bounce back from it.
See you guys later.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This weeks top ten is top ten inspirational characters. I'm having a hard time thinking up characters for this one.
1. Georgina Kincaide from the Succubus series by Richelle Mead:
Okay, yes, Georgina is a succubus who is damned to hell. She's been damned to hell for thousands of years. Yet she isn't like the others, she still pretty much has a fantastic soul. She's a character who is always trying to do right by others and puts others before herself. For being one of hells minions, she's pretty sweet.
2. Katniss from Hunger Games:
She should be on everyones list this week. She goes into the hunger game to save her sister, survives the hunger games TWICE, becomes a leader in a major uprising, sees almost everyone she knows and loves die, and yet she manages to survive. Sure, she goes a little crazy and never really figures out how to become normal, but she moves on and figures out how to live as normally as she can.
3. Alice from Far From You by Lisa Schroeder:
I read this book last week (review should be coming soon) and fell in love with Alice. She is trying to live her life and by the end she figures things out. I love this one because she is so normal. She's not a hero like Katniss, so she is truly inspirational. I don't know if that makes sense at all...
4. Tatiana from The Bronze Horseman:
The list would be shorter if I explained why Tatiana isn't inspirational. If you've read this series, you know what I'm talking about.
5. Alexander from The Bronze horseman:
Seriously people, read this series. These two characters are some of the best characters in the world.
6. Harry freaking Potter:
7. Jasper from Twilight:
He is a vampire who was trained to be a cold blooded vampire who has had to feel the terror of everyone around him for at least 100 years. Now he's trying to change his ways and become a good guy. Awwww...
8. Evie from Paranormalcy:
I just love her character.
These were the only ones I could think of. There were actually a few others I would have listed, but I get tired of listing the same characters for every top ten. Like Rose from VA, Katniss (she HAD to be on this list), and so on.
This weeks top ten is top ten inspirational characters. I'm having a hard time thinking up characters for this one.
1. Georgina Kincaide from the Succubus series by Richelle Mead:
Okay, yes, Georgina is a succubus who is damned to hell. She's been damned to hell for thousands of years. Yet she isn't like the others, she still pretty much has a fantastic soul. She's a character who is always trying to do right by others and puts others before herself. For being one of hells minions, she's pretty sweet.
2. Katniss from Hunger Games:
She should be on everyones list this week. She goes into the hunger game to save her sister, survives the hunger games TWICE, becomes a leader in a major uprising, sees almost everyone she knows and loves die, and yet she manages to survive. Sure, she goes a little crazy and never really figures out how to become normal, but she moves on and figures out how to live as normally as she can.
3. Alice from Far From You by Lisa Schroeder:
I read this book last week (review should be coming soon) and fell in love with Alice. She is trying to live her life and by the end she figures things out. I love this one because she is so normal. She's not a hero like Katniss, so she is truly inspirational. I don't know if that makes sense at all...
4. Tatiana from The Bronze Horseman:
The list would be shorter if I explained why Tatiana isn't inspirational. If you've read this series, you know what I'm talking about.
5. Alexander from The Bronze horseman:
Seriously people, read this series. These two characters are some of the best characters in the world.
6. Harry freaking Potter:
7. Jasper from Twilight:
He is a vampire who was trained to be a cold blooded vampire who has had to feel the terror of everyone around him for at least 100 years. Now he's trying to change his ways and become a good guy. Awwww...
8. Evie from Paranormalcy:
I just love her character.
These were the only ones I could think of. There were actually a few others I would have listed, but I get tired of listing the same characters for every top ten. Like Rose from VA, Katniss (she HAD to be on this list), and so on.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Book Breakup #2-- Sookie Stackhouse
Book Breakup #2-- Sookie Stackhouse
You know those series that you get all excited to read, and they just get worse and worse until you finally have to call it quits? I've unfortunately have a few of those series. My first book breakup was with the Evermore series by Alyson Noel. My second book breakup is with the Sookie Stackhouse series.
The Sookie Stackhouse series is written by Charline Harris, has 10 books so far and the end doesn't seem like it is anywhere close to coming. I started reading this series after I finished reading Twilight for the first time. I was looking for a good series that was something like Twilight. At first I loved this series. I thought it was fantastic. I think I read the first 7 books in two or three weeks (this was summer of '08 so I don't remember for sure.) Then I really started getting into reading and realized there are sooooo many better books out there! When Dead and Gone (book #9) came out, I bought it and read it. Turns out that book was completely useless in the story plot and didn't really go anywhere. That is when I officially gave up on the series. Will Sookie pick Bill? Eric? Sam? Who knows and I really don't care that much anymore. The story started getting a little too crazy and doesn't really seem to have a point anymore.
Anyone else give up on this series? Or even read it in the first place?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Review: Shadowspell
Shadowspell by Jenna Black
Published by St. Martin's Griffin
Genre: YA
$9.99 (US paperback)
295 pages
What it's about:
On top of spending most of her time in a bunkerlike safe house and having her dates hijacked by a formidable Fae bodyguard, Faeriewalker Dana Hathaway is in for some more bad news: the Erlking and his pack of muderous minions known as the Wild Hunt have descended upon Avalon. With is homicidal appetite and immortal powers, the Erlking has long been the nightmare of the Fae realm. A fragile treaty with the Faerie Queen, sealed with a mysterious spell, is the one thing that keeps him from hunting unchecked in Avalon, the only place on Earth where humans and Fae live together. Which means Dana's in trouble, since it's common knowledge that the Faerie Queen wants her--and her rare Faeriewalker powers--dead. The smoldering, sexy Erlking's got his sights set on Dana, but does he only seek to kill her, or does he have something much darker in mind?
My thoughts:
I know that for my review of Glimmerglass, I said I really enjoyed the book. Yet while I was going back and thinking of it, it wasn't high up on my list. It wasn't a book that stuck out above the rest. I couldn't even remember most of the characters names. This is why I was surprised at myself that I went and got Shadowspell the week it came out and read it in two sittings. I honestly didn't think I was all that excited for this book.
I'm glad I read it. There is just something about the characters in these books that I love, even if I don't remember their names a few months after reading the book. They are so...realistic, even for being fae. Not a single one of the characters is perfect, especially the love interest, Ethan. He might look perfect, yet he has done lots of things to lose Dana's trust. He would be a horrible boyfriend, YET you can't help but sort of root for him and Dana to get together. There is just something there.
This story really is all about the characters. Sure there is a plot, and it's a good one, but it's not really what keeps me interested in this series. I love how Dana is always changing and taking everyone by surprise, how Ethan is a jerk and yet you still kinda love him, and then there is now the Erlking. I actually loved his character. How he is the big scary bad guy, yet you end up liking him as well, even if he is chopping off everyone's heads. I can't wait to see what will happen with his character.
My rating: 10/10
If a book makes me want to read it in one sitting (which this one did, but I had to force myself to put it down and go to bed) then it deserves a 10/10.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Top ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This weeks top ten is top ten book resolutions.
Hmmm... I haven't thought a whole lot about this actually. I'll probably be coming up with new ones all year long.
1. Read 125 books this year. In 2010, I read 117 books. I want to up that, but not by a whole lot. If I tried doing any more, then I would be doing nothing but reading.
2. Right my reviews the minute I get done reading them. The reviews turn out so much better that way.
3. Read more of the books I already have. I want to get rid of some of the books I've had sitting around my room for years. I always go for the newer, shinier books.
4. Try to read everything I'm supposed to for school all the way through. Lately I've picked up the bad habit of skiming the reading for my classes. I want to start reading everything from cover to cover. I will start this goal AFTER we're done with Paradise Lost. There is no way I'm reading all that. haha.
5. Finish all the books I'm borrowing from friends. I've had a pile of books sitting next to my bed for almost a year now that I'm borrowing from friends (don't worry, they have a bunch of mine too). I want that pile gone.
6. Read the book before the movie comes out. I always try and go by that rule, and I hope to keep it up. I prefer to read the book before the movie for it comes out cause the book is always better and I don't want the movie tanting it for me.
That is all I can think of at the moment. Two years ago I told myself I was going to start reading the classics. Then I realized I really dislike the classics. Never again will I have that reading goal.
This weeks top ten is top ten book resolutions.
Hmmm... I haven't thought a whole lot about this actually. I'll probably be coming up with new ones all year long.
1. Read 125 books this year. In 2010, I read 117 books. I want to up that, but not by a whole lot. If I tried doing any more, then I would be doing nothing but reading.
2. Right my reviews the minute I get done reading them. The reviews turn out so much better that way.
3. Read more of the books I already have. I want to get rid of some of the books I've had sitting around my room for years. I always go for the newer, shinier books.
4. Try to read everything I'm supposed to for school all the way through. Lately I've picked up the bad habit of skiming the reading for my classes. I want to start reading everything from cover to cover. I will start this goal AFTER we're done with Paradise Lost. There is no way I'm reading all that. haha.
5. Finish all the books I'm borrowing from friends. I've had a pile of books sitting next to my bed for almost a year now that I'm borrowing from friends (don't worry, they have a bunch of mine too). I want that pile gone.
6. Read the book before the movie comes out. I always try and go by that rule, and I hope to keep it up. I prefer to read the book before the movie for it comes out cause the book is always better and I don't want the movie tanting it for me.
That is all I can think of at the moment. Two years ago I told myself I was going to start reading the classics. Then I realized I really dislike the classics. Never again will I have that reading goal.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hop and follow friday!

This weeks question:
"What book influenced or changed your life? How did it influence/change you?"
My answer:
Hmm while I don't think it changed my life, the book that popped into my head was "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. I don't know if I could ever really explain what this book did to me. All I can say is, I can't think about this book without wanting to cry. This is a book that will forever be with me.

This weeks question:
What book(s) have you discovered lately from someone's book blog?
My answer: the main one I can think of is Hotter After Midnight by Cynthia Eden. I'm about half way through the book and really like it so far. I'm trying to read three books at once right now though and this one keeps getting pushed back though. :/
Make sure to check out my reviews for Anna and the French Kiss and My Fair Godmother!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Review: Anna and the French Kiss
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Published by Dutton
Genre: YA
$16.99 (US hardback)
372 pages
What it's about:
Anna was looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. So she's less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris--until she meets Etienne St. Clair. Smart, charming, beautiful, Etienne has it all...including a serious girlfriend.
But in the City of Light, wishes have a way of coming true. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with their long-awaited French kiss? Stephanie Perkins keeps the romantic tension crackling and the attraction high in a debut guaranteed to make toes tingle and hearts melt.
My thoughts:
This book has been so hyped up and it is definitely for good reasons. This book was perfect.
This wasn't a book that I was sold right from the beginning. It took a little while for me to get in the swing of this book. I normally read paranormal books, and this one is far from it. I also had some slight biases going into this book but quickly got over them. It actually didn't take me long to get into it, and when I did, it was impossible for me to put it down.
Stephanie Perkins writing is seriously brilliant. This book has a build up that is intense and so real. The way she builds up everything, you can feel the tension. The best example of this was the first time Anna and Etienne go to the movies. The whole description of sitting in the dark, with your crush, and when your legs accidentally touch, and the feelings you get from it. It was something everyone should be able to relate to. Everyone knows that butterfly feeling when that happens and Perkins describe it superbly. I was feeling everything right along with Anna, I couldn't believe how many butterflies I got in my stomach while reading this book.
And what can I say about Etienne? He has a french name, has an English accent, but is American. *swoon!!!* I pretty much fell in love with this character from the second Anna meets him. I was so invested in this relationship. It was killing me that these two couldn't seem to get it together, but that is what made it so real. They were both teenagers and were having a very teenagerish relationship. It is what made it so sweet. It was both the forbidden romance and the best friend turned lover romance. Those are my absolute favorites and I got both in one story.
The writing is what really sold me on this book. The way Anna has her little side talks, the tension build up, and the overall feel of the book. I will definitely be picking up the rest of Stephanie's books when they come out.
I do have some questions thought:
1) what is the british two finger flip off????? They mention this on page 55. (if anyone knows what this is, please explain it to me, I was confused at that part. I just know the dirty version of what the two finger salute means).
2) did anyone else automatically think NICHOLAS SPARKS!!!! when Anna describes her dad at the very beginning? It cracked me up.
Rating: 10/10!!
This book left me going "awww" but also confused as to what I'm going to read next. It's going to have to be fantastic for it to keep my attention now.
Favorite Quotes:
I fell in love with the way Perkins described Etienne's hair, so bare with me through these quotes.
"The first thing I notice is his hair--it's the first thing I notice about everyone. It's dark brown and messy and somehow both long and short at the same time. I think of the Beatles, since I've just seen them in Meredith's room. It's artist hair. Musician hair. I-pretend-I-don't-care-but-I-really-do hair.
Beautiful hair." --pg 15.
"He shakes his head. His dark messy hair has a few curls in it today. It's quite breathtaking, really. If there were an Olympics competition in hair, St. Clair would totally win, hands down. Ten-point-oh. Gold medal." --pg 59
"I mean, really. Who sends their kid to boarding school? It's so Hogwarts. Only mine doesn't have cute boy wizards or magic candy or flying lessons." --pg. 5.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Review: My Fair Godmother
Published by Walker Publishing company
Genre: YA
$8.99 (US paperback)
311 pages
What it's about:
After Savannah's picture-perfect boyfriend, Hunter, dumps her to go out with her older sister, Jane, she idly wishes she could find a true prince to take her to the prom. Instead, she gets Chrissy. Only a "fair" godmother (because she's not a very good fairy student), Chrissy attempts to grant Savannah three wishes, which get her sent back to the Middle Ages: once as Cinderella, once as Snow White, and once to save Tristan, the surprisingly cute boy from her school who's also found himself a victim of Chrissy's mistaken wish-granting. From trolls to dragons to the mysterious Black Knight, Savannah and Tristan must beat the odds to make it back to modern times together.
Part lighthearted fantasy and part romantic comedy, My Fair Godmother proves that finding your one true love can be a Grimm experience!
My Thoughts:
This was such a cute little book! I think Janette Rallison will be added to my "favorite authors list." The voice and tone of this book was so much fun and was exactly what I needed to read.
The book starts out with Chrissy explaining how Hunter ends up breaking up with Savannah cause he falls for Jane. All of this focuses on Jane, so I thought it was odd that the book was about Savannah cause I liked Jane better. As the story went on and Savannah becomes an actual person instead of a self centered blob, the story became even better. I could connect more with Savannah that way and was rooting for her.
I loved Rallison's views on both Cinderella and Snow White. How Ella's prince was horrible and snobbish and how Snow White was a little slow. I especially liked Snow White's story because it really was a lot different than the normal Disney version. The whole mid evil world was great. I love how Rallison focused on how bad everyone smelled, because that is something that people tend to avoid but I can only imagined played a big part in that kind of life.
The romance between Savannah and Tristan was adorable. He is just trying to help and yet he doesn't seem to realize that he keeps embarrassing Savannah. Or how she is always trying to help Tristan but seems to make his life a little harder all the while. It's so sweet and first love-ish :)
Overall, I'm excited for the next book in this series. How can Chrissy mess up anymore? I can't wait to see how Rallison changes up a couple new Grimm's tales.
My rating: 9.5/10
Favorite Quotes:
"...elves who write the memoirs of teenage girls have the unfortunate habit of returning to the magical realm with atrocious grammar. They can't seem to shake the phrases 'whatever" and "no way," and they insert the word "like" into so many sentences that other elves start slapping them. They also pick up the bad habit of writing things in text message form (e.g., R U going 2 the mall?) and for no apparent reason occasionally call out the name Edward Cullen." --Pg. 20
"I screamed. The guys in the dressing room screamed. Although their screaming was more of an angry 'Hey, you shouldn't be in here!' scream, whereas mine was a high-pitched, 'There's a bunch of naked guys everywhere!' scream." --pg.38
"Also, side effects may include dizziness, nausea, lethargy, and an intense desire to eat woodland creatures if, during your magical journey, you happen to be turned into a bear." --pg. 45
Part lighthearted fantasy and part romantic comedy, My Fair Godmother proves that finding your one true love can be a Grimm experience!
My Thoughts:
This was such a cute little book! I think Janette Rallison will be added to my "favorite authors list." The voice and tone of this book was so much fun and was exactly what I needed to read.
The book starts out with Chrissy explaining how Hunter ends up breaking up with Savannah cause he falls for Jane. All of this focuses on Jane, so I thought it was odd that the book was about Savannah cause I liked Jane better. As the story went on and Savannah becomes an actual person instead of a self centered blob, the story became even better. I could connect more with Savannah that way and was rooting for her.
I loved Rallison's views on both Cinderella and Snow White. How Ella's prince was horrible and snobbish and how Snow White was a little slow. I especially liked Snow White's story because it really was a lot different than the normal Disney version. The whole mid evil world was great. I love how Rallison focused on how bad everyone smelled, because that is something that people tend to avoid but I can only imagined played a big part in that kind of life.
The romance between Savannah and Tristan was adorable. He is just trying to help and yet he doesn't seem to realize that he keeps embarrassing Savannah. Or how she is always trying to help Tristan but seems to make his life a little harder all the while. It's so sweet and first love-ish :)
Overall, I'm excited for the next book in this series. How can Chrissy mess up anymore? I can't wait to see how Rallison changes up a couple new Grimm's tales.
My rating: 9.5/10
Favorite Quotes:
"...elves who write the memoirs of teenage girls have the unfortunate habit of returning to the magical realm with atrocious grammar. They can't seem to shake the phrases 'whatever" and "no way," and they insert the word "like" into so many sentences that other elves start slapping them. They also pick up the bad habit of writing things in text message form (e.g., R U going 2 the mall?) and for no apparent reason occasionally call out the name Edward Cullen." --Pg. 20
"I screamed. The guys in the dressing room screamed. Although their screaming was more of an angry 'Hey, you shouldn't be in here!' scream, whereas mine was a high-pitched, 'There's a bunch of naked guys everywhere!' scream." --pg.38
"Also, side effects may include dizziness, nausea, lethargy, and an intense desire to eat woodland creatures if, during your magical journey, you happen to be turned into a bear." --pg. 45
Monday, January 3, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday-- Books I WILL read in 2011
TTT is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This weeks top ten is top ten books I resolve to read in 2011
I have lots and lots of books sitting on my shelves that I keep meaning to read and never seem to do. I always go for the newer, shinier books.
1. I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore:
I've had this book on my TBR shelve for months now and I am determined to read it before the movie comes out. I don't like seeing movies based on books before reading the book and I WILL see this movie cause it's Alex Pettyfer, and let's face it, Alex is gorgeous. I just keep passing over this book though cause it's aliens, which I normally hate.
2. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles:
Everyone talks about how absolutely amazing this book is and I keep looking at it and passing over it. This needs to be read.
3. Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink:
I started this book last year and it didn't grab me. Now I want to read it just so I have more space on my shelf. I refuse to give up so fast.
4. Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater:
This is one I can't believe I haven't read yet. I read Lament back in 09 and yet I still haven't read this one??? I don't know why I haven't.
5. Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost:
I have a feeling that stuff that happens in this book will show up in the next Cat and Bones book. Means I need this one read before February.
6. Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard:
I loved loved loved You Wish by M.H. and I ran out and got P.P. the next day. Have I read P.P. yet? Noooooooo. Why? I don't know why.
7. We Hear the Dead by Dianne Salerni:
I just want to read this one cause I need a book in my "w" section. You Wish is getting lonely in the review page all by itself at the bottom. haha.
8. Halo by Alexandra Adornetto:
I started reading this book when it first came out and didn't get very far. It wasn't grabbing my attention at the time cause I wasn't in the mood for it. Now I need to go back and finish it.
9. Magic in the Shadows by Devon Monk:
I've read the first two and really liked them. I've gone out and bought all the rest of the books the day they come out. Plus my sister has read all the books multiple times and keeps nagging at me to read them so that we can talk about them. I will get the next three of these books read soon, so stop nagging Arwen! (lol sorry, just had to add that in cause I know she reads this blog ;)
10. My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent:
This is a series I can't decide if I'm going to keep going with or not. This book has been sitting in a pile for a long time now and I think I'm just going to stick with the series till the end. Why not? I am curious about a few things, even if it's just not high on my favorite books list.
This weeks top ten is top ten books I resolve to read in 2011
I have lots and lots of books sitting on my shelves that I keep meaning to read and never seem to do. I always go for the newer, shinier books.
1. I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore:
I've had this book on my TBR shelve for months now and I am determined to read it before the movie comes out. I don't like seeing movies based on books before reading the book and I WILL see this movie cause it's Alex Pettyfer, and let's face it, Alex is gorgeous. I just keep passing over this book though cause it's aliens, which I normally hate.
2. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles:
Everyone talks about how absolutely amazing this book is and I keep looking at it and passing over it. This needs to be read.
3. Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink:
I started this book last year and it didn't grab me. Now I want to read it just so I have more space on my shelf. I refuse to give up so fast.
4. Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater:
This is one I can't believe I haven't read yet. I read Lament back in 09 and yet I still haven't read this one??? I don't know why I haven't.
5. Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost:
I have a feeling that stuff that happens in this book will show up in the next Cat and Bones book. Means I need this one read before February.
6. Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard:
I loved loved loved You Wish by M.H. and I ran out and got P.P. the next day. Have I read P.P. yet? Noooooooo. Why? I don't know why.
7. We Hear the Dead by Dianne Salerni:
I just want to read this one cause I need a book in my "w" section. You Wish is getting lonely in the review page all by itself at the bottom. haha.
8. Halo by Alexandra Adornetto:
I started reading this book when it first came out and didn't get very far. It wasn't grabbing my attention at the time cause I wasn't in the mood for it. Now I need to go back and finish it.
9. Magic in the Shadows by Devon Monk:
I've read the first two and really liked them. I've gone out and bought all the rest of the books the day they come out. Plus my sister has read all the books multiple times and keeps nagging at me to read them so that we can talk about them. I will get the next three of these books read soon, so stop nagging Arwen! (lol sorry, just had to add that in cause I know she reads this blog ;)
10. My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent:
This is a series I can't decide if I'm going to keep going with or not. This book has been sitting in a pile for a long time now and I think I'm just going to stick with the series till the end. Why not? I am curious about a few things, even if it's just not high on my favorite books list.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy 2011 everyone!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Now that all the parties are over and everyone is nursing a nasty little hangover, I hope everyone is enjoying the new year so far! I know I am. Borders is having a sale. *sigh* I love Borders sales. Target is having a great sale too.
At Borders I got...
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Slice of Cherry by Dia Reeves
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain
I can't get over how much I love the Slice of Cherry cover. I collect tea cups (part of my massive Alice in Wonderland collection) and even though the tea cups are covered in blood, I think the cover is very interesting and it definitely caught my eye. I can't wait to read that book.
At Target I got...
Glee Season 1
Castle season 2
Peter Pan (2003 edition with Jeremy Sumpter)
All that for $55. Can't really beat those prices really.
For Christmas I also ended up getting an ereader so I've been getting ebooks as well. So far I'm off to a great year.
How is everyone elses year starting?
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